Grade 3



Earth's Natural Resources (10-30 minutes)

Related SDGs: Life on Land

Grade levels: Pre K-3

Intro: Before students can unpack the effects if climate change and its nuanced effects on society and ecosystems, they first need to comprehend the environment surrounding them. This lesson teaches them about renewable and non-renewable resources, introduces their use in our society, and their impacts on the environment. This knowledge will provide a strong foundation for learning about more complex topics (such as climate change and socioeconomic problems) later on, and will grant them with a more thoughtful lens through which they can observe the world around them.



On the same piece of paper they wrote on in the beginning of class, have the students write about what they learned today and how their point-of-views have changed from the beginning of class. You may also pose one of the following questions to get them started:

Learning About the Greenhouse Effect (25-45 minutes)

Related SDGs: Climate Action, Life on Land, Life Below Water

Grade Level: 2-4


Young students are often told to conserve energy by turning off the lights or air conditioning, but they are rarely taught about why we should do this. In this lesson, students will study the greenhouse effect, which is the process by which emissions of gases trap the sun's heat into the Earth's atmosphere, similarly to how a greenhouse traps heat to warm its plants. In our case however, excessive heat has fatal impacts on humans, plants, and animals.


Read this article. Depending on the grade level, students may read independently or as a class. Lower grades may need to pause between sentences to decipher complex words (10-20 minutes depending on their reading level).

After reading, the class should watch the video on the top of the article to recap (3 minutes).

Students will spend the remainder of the class playing this game to test their knowledge and discover the impacts of ocean acidification.


Ask each student to type a reflection answering the following questions:

What is the greenhouse effect?

Why is it called the greenhouse effect?

Name an example of a greenhouse gas.

Describe how burning fossil fuels impacts the greenhouse effect.

Describe the effect of plants on the greenhouse effect.

What could happen if humans emit too many greenhouse gases?

Students should submit their answers so that teachers may check for understanding. 

Humans and the Environment (10-30 minutes)

Related SDGs: Life on Land, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Affordable and Clean Energy, Responsible Consumption and Production

Grade levels: 3-5

Intro: Want to really save the planet? In this short movie, you will be given concrete suggestions about how you can do your part. First, you’ll learn why protecting the environment is such an important thing--and how it got to be so vulnerable in the first place. Next, you’ll find out how everyday things we consume affect our environment on a large scale! And finally, you’ll learn three major ways in which you can help clean up the planet and protect it for future generations. From conserving energy to consuming less stuff, you’ll get some important tips on how we can all make the world a better place! This lesson makes for a good continuation of "Learning About the Greenhouse Effect" as it expands onto the effects of climate change on different ecosystems, and discusses what you can do to help the planet.



On the same piece of paper they wrote on in the beginning of class, have students add one more habit they will start doing to help the environment. Have them share it aloud, and make sure to follow up on them next class to see if they've started doing what they wrote down! 

During the class discussion, teachers may chime in to give students more ideas for environmentally-friendly habits. Check out this list and this list  for ideas.

Calculating Your Ecological Footprint (30 minutes)

Related SDGs: Climate Action, Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth

Grade levels: 3-8

Intro:  The ecological footprint is a method promoted by the Global Footprint Network to measure human demand on natural capital, i.e. the quantity of nature it takes to support people or an economy. It tracks this demand through an ecological accounting system. This activity will show students how many Earths we would need if everyone in the world lived like them. It gives statistics and data to show how your daily actions impact the environment, and also explains what you can do to reduce your footprint. 



*thumbnail image from

Plastic Pollution (60 minutes)

Related SDGs: Responsible Consumption and Production, Life Below Water

Grade levels: 3-6


Ecologists and activists have been vocal about the problem of plastic pollution for years: plastic pollution invades our communities as "litter," harms wildlife, and 8.8 million tons of it end up in our waterways and oceans every year. 

Many people believe the current generation of children will solve the growing problems of plastic pollution and global warming. But how do we talk to kids about these global problems? Whether you are an educator, community leader, youth advocate, or parent, check out these resources to help kids have fun and learn about protecting our home: Planet Earth.  



Homework: students will discuss with their parents how they can reduce single-use plastics and packagings in their households. They should try to convince their parents to commit to three goals to reduce plastic in the coming months, using their research and infographics as aids (e.g. eat ice cream in a cone rather than a cup, eat less takeout, and buy unpackaged produce when grocery shopping). 

Water Pollution (60 minutes)

Related SDGs: Clean Water and Sanitation, Responsible Consumption and Production, Life Below Water

Grade levels: All

Intro: Is that water safe to drink? In this lesson, you will learn all about water pollution! Discover what water pollution even means as well as how water becomes polluted and where the pollution can come from. You’ll also find out why it’s not just bad chemicals that can be pollutants - as well as what happens, exactly, when a body of water gets polluted. Plus, find out why we’re to blame for a good deal of water pollution and what’s being done to help the problem. Go ahead, the water’s fine!



*thumbnail image and lesson idea from


A Day in a Life (10 minutes)

Related SDGs: Decent Work and Economic Growth, No Poverty

Grade Levels: All


In this activity, students will learn about what honey makers, basket makers, and cocoa farmers do in a day! These short videos give students a new found appreciation for our mother earth who continues to provide us with what we need. It also teaches them about who takes care of these resources and how they do it. 



Climate Solutions: Designing a Product! (30-45 minutes)

Related SDGs: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; Sustainable Cities and Communities; Affordable and Clean Energy

Grade levels: All

Intro: In this activity, students will use their knowledge of environmental problems, science, and creativity to design their own product that can help the world in some way. It may be an appliance, a machine, or a city layout! Here are some ideas to get you started:



Types of Energy Sources (60 minutes)

Related SDGs: Affordable and Clean Energy; Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Grade levels: 3-7

Intro: In this lesson, students will learn about the different types of energy, how they behave, and how they interact with and affect the environment. They will be able to differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy, and evaluate how we can utilize them to limit our footprint on the environment.



Calculating Your Water Footprint (45-60 minutes)

Related SDGs: Clean Water and Sanitation --> Good Health and Wellbeing --> Quality Education --> Decent Work and Economic Growth --> No Poverty (see this model)

Grade levels: 3-8

Intro:  Ready to explore water footprints and learn more about your direct and virtual water use?  In this lesson, you will learn about SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. You will discover the effects of water scarcity and lack of sanitation on developing regions, and will connect it back to your own actions. By calculating your water footprint, you can learn about how your choices and habits affect your water use inside and outside of your home, through the food you eat, the products you buy and even the energy you use, and will get personalized instructions and recommendations on how to reduce your consumption! 



Before the end of class, have each student share one thing they will do to preserve water at home (e.g. avoid meat with my family three days a week).

Further Takeaways/Ways to Take Action:

*thumbnail image from


Development and Social Inequality (45-90 minutes)

Related SDGs: No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth

Grade levels: 3-4

Intro: ISM is located in a very developed, urban area of Manila, and provides its students with a high-end education. However, this leaves many of its young students oblivious to the ongoing adversities in the world relating to poverty and unemployment. As the Philippines is a developing country, it is vital to educate ISM students about what is going on not too far from home, as well as challenges in developing regions of the world such as sub-Saharan Africa. The goal of this lesson is for students to understand their privilege and learn about ways to help the less-fortunate.



Students should reflect on the following topics, revisiting some from the "four corners" activity:

Additional Activity (Optional, only if there is an additional 45-minute period)

Using their new knowledge of social development, students will work in randomly-assigned groups to create a presentation about poverty, what it's like, its effects, and what they can do to help. It may be a skit or play, an interview, or an instructional video. They will have approximately 30 minutes to work on it and will present at the end of class.

Rights and Responsibilities (45 minutes or over several days)

Related SDGs: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, Reduced Inequalities

Grade levels: All


In this set of activities adaptable for all elementary grade levels, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about rights and responsibilities. These activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. Rights and Responsibilities topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more.



Home/Family Activities:

Community Issues: Empower your child to be an active citizen by thinking of ways to improve their communities. They may wish to petition for a stop sign or crosswalk at a busy intersection or add or revive a park or public space. Help your child find an issue that he or she cares deeply about and find ways to address the issue. Bring your child to community meetings or set up an appointment to talk to a community leader so your child’s voice is heard. Have your child research and learn about their community leaders so they can be better informed about who makes decisions that affect their lives. Being an active community member will allow your child to take more responsibilities and develop a sense of community pride.

Age of Responsibility: Celebrate how responsibilities change and grow as your child matures. Make a chart of responsibilities your child has taken on over the years. Examples might include: being responsible for washing hands at age 3, being responsible for tying shoes at age 4, being responsible for setting the table at age 5, being responsible for washing own hair at age 6, being responsible for an allowance at age 7. Be sure to list future responsibilities a child may look forward to, like caring for a pet, practicing an instrument, mowing the lawn, babysitting, driving, or graduating from school.

Picture Books About Diversity and Activism (45 minutes)

Related SDGs: Reduced Inequalities, Gender Inequality, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Grade levels: All

Intro: The majority of classic tales, fables, and children's stories focus their narratives on white males. However,  it is vital for children to be  well versed in the experiences of protagonists from different cultural backgrounds, races, and time-periods to expand their narratives and eliminate bias. We have listed in this post a variety of children's books with female protagonists and protagonists of color, many of which are set in major movements and social reforms, which will help students learn about history and its relationship with the present-day.



After finishing the book, students will be put back into their groups of three. They will each share what they wrote and work together to uncover the meaning of their notes. Together, they will research the meanings of the new words and talk about how they are similar and different from the women in the novels. This activity will help them learn about women of different races, ethnic groups, and socio- economic backgrounds, while acknowledging their hardships and developing empathy.  They will then go into the main room and share their findings with the class. Teachers should wrap up the lesson by clarifying the message of the story.

*thumbnail image from "One Plastic Bag"

Community Helpers (45 minutes)

Related SDGs: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Good Health and Wellbeing, Partnerships for the Goals

Grade levels: All

Intro: How can you be involved with your community? This lesson will describe different community helpers and how they help out. It will also share ways children can be active, responsible, and conscientious members of the community. Encourage children to be active citizens and help them understand that everyone plays an important role.

Remind children that a community helper is anyone who works to help the community. Civil servants such firefighters, police officers, and paramedics make sure that the community and its members are safe. Remind children that a firefighter puts out fires and also teaches people how to be safe during an emergency. Police officers help prevent crimes and make sure people in the community follow rules and laws. Review with children that a law is a rule set by the community. Paramedics are also community helpers. Explain to children that they help keep people safe during emergencies and take them to the hospital. Who else keeps the community safe? Discuss with children and brainstorm together.




Interview with a Community Helper

Have each student interview contact a community helper that they may know, whether it's a family member, a neighbor, or that gardener who they see at the park! Have a set of questions to ask. What does the community helper do? What is his or her typical day like? What kind of education did the community helper receive? How did he or she train to be in her position? Have the community helper discuss his or her role in the community and suggest ways for your students to get involved. Getting firsthand stories and advice from a community helper is a great way for your students to become more active in and knowledgeable about the community. Have students submit notes from the interview, a zoom recording, or a selfie (with consent of the interviewee) as evidence.

*thumbnail image and lesson idea from


Picture Books About Empathy and Individuality (45 minutes)

Related SDGs: Reduced Inequalities, Gender Inequality

Grade levels: All

Intro: The majority of classic tales, fables, and children's stories focus their narratives on white males. However,  it is vital for children to be  well versed in the experiences of protagonists from different social backgrounds, races, and time-periods to expand their narratives and eliminate bias. We have listed in this post a variety of children's books about being unique and transcending stereotypes.



After finishing the book, students will be put back into their groups of three. They will each share what they wrote and work together to uncover the meaning of their notes. Together, they will research the meanings of the new words and talk about how they are similar and different from the women in the novels. This activity will help them learn about women of different races, ethnic groups, and socio- economic backgrounds, while acknowledging their hardships and developing empathy. They will then go into the main room and share their findings with the class. Teachers should wrap up the lesson by clarifying the message of the story.

*thumbnail image from "The Sneetches"

Food Recipes for Spoiled Food (30-45 minutes)

Related SDGs: Responsible Consumption and Production, Good Health and Wellbeing, Zero Hunger

Grade Levels: All with adult supervision 


Every day, so much food gets thrown away for many reasons such as being rotten or left overs. In a year, 1,300,000,000,000 kilograms of food is wasted (The World Counts) and that affects the earth through carbon emissions but also waste resources that others have worked to provide and foods that could go to those who are hungry. So, what better way to enjoy food, spend some bonding time, and save almost spoiled food than making treats, drinks, foods and more with them! 


Key takeaways: 


SDG Presentation (45 - 90 minutes)

Related SDGs: All

Grade levels: All

Intro: The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. In this activity, each student will be assigned a Sustainable Development Goal to research and create a presentation on.  Note that there are 17 goals, so students may double-up or partner depending on class size.



*thumbnail image from United Nations

Mini-Debate (15-90 minutes)

Related SDGs: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions + any other SDG depending on the chosen prompt

Grade levels: 2-8

Intro: Debates are a staple of middle and high school social studies classes. But have you ever thought about using debates at the lower grades? In this lesson, you will utilize a four-corners strategy where students will respond to specific topics, and then debate why they agree on a certain stance. This will allow students to verbalize their opinions, while integrating new viewpoints, to arrive at a logical consensus


Grades 2-5:

Grades 6-8:


Climate Solutions: Designing a Home! (30 - 45 minutes)

Related SDGs: Sustainable Cities and Communities; Affordable and Clean Energy; Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Grade levels: All

Intro: In this activity, each student will use their knowledge of environmental problems and sustainable energy to design their dream house that is efficient and may reduce carbon emissions. It may be a suburban home, a backyard, a van, a building, or an entire city! 



Reading Newsela Articles (45 minutes)

Related SDGs: All

Grade levels: 2-4


What is Newsela you may ask? Newsela is an online platforms where students can read articles that have been modified to their lexile levels. Articles also include a short quiz at the end to check for understanding. 

Current events regarding sustainability are often inaccessible to younger learners, so this application allows students to be informed about the same topics which their older counterparts are. The reading levels are based on lexile scores, which teachers can access from the students' MAP test results. Here are some general approximations:

Lesson plan templates:

More lesson ideas


At the end of each Newsela article, there is a quiz to test for reading comprehension. Have the students take that quiz and share what they read about in table groups.

*thumbnail image from