


Organic Crop Production - Grade 6-8 (30 minuets) 

SDG: Good Health and Well-Being, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Life on Land 

Intro: Organic farming is an agricultural system that relies on crop rotation, animal manures, crop residues and green manures along with the biological control of pests and diseases, preserving soil's organic composition and improving fertility, soil structure, biodiversity, and reduced erosion. Organic crop farming also has a large impact in our society as it reduces risk of human, animal, and environmental exposures from toxic chemicals. In fact, many countries have their own organic standards and certification programs, further promoting sustainable food production and consumption. 


Ex: Bureau of Agriculture and Fishers Standards 





Sustainable Menu Planning - Grade 5-8 (30 minutes)

Related to: SDG 3, SDG 11, SDG 12

Intro: Food and beverage selection can have a major effect on an activity's environmental footprint. Sustainable foods are not only healthier for you but also better for the natural environment as well. Eating foods that are grown locally improves the economy of your local community. Furthermore, the selection of humanly treated meat results in healthy livestock, a healthier world, and healthier consumers. This is why it is so important for us to implement a sustainable diet into our lifestyle, by eating foods that are fresh, local, and organic.

Activity: Spend around 10 minutes researching about strategies to create more sustainable meals. 

Some good and resourceful links include the following URLS:




Create a few practical meals that you can enjoy eating now that you have done some research. Make sure that, by referring to the Healthy Eating Plate and by using the tips you have researched, you mention how you plan on changing these meals to make them more sustainable.


Ask your students what they have learnt about:


My Lifestyle Related to the Six Areas of Health and the Sustainability Compass - Grade 5-8 (20 minutes) 

Related to: Possibly all SDG goals (depending on how creative you get) 

Intro: In Wellness, there are six main types of health: Social, emotional, spiritual, physical, mental, and environmental. The sustainability compass is a powerful metaphor that, like how we use a real compass, is used to orient and set course towards living and learning more sustainably.  People and society are the focus of sustainability, and each point of the Sustainability Compass is an important system condition for a thriving, abundant environment for people and all organisms on earth with which we are closely interconnected. Four main elements are reflected in the sustainability compass including nature, economy, culture, and well-being.

Activity: Using your knowledge, create a brain frame conveying daily life activities that you do that demonstrate the relationship between any of the six forms of health and the points on the sustainability compass. Provide clear examples. 

EX: I like taking walks on the weekend with my family. As I enjoy being outdoors and admiring the sound of the chirping birds and aroma of the flowers, this relates to the point of nature on the sustainability compass. At the same time, this is connected to my spiritual, environmental, emotional, social, physical, AND mental wellbeing, as I get to talk to my family. During our walk, we talk about how our day went, things we look forward to, and struggles that we face. Talking about these things on a walk, while also being able to connect with the beauty of nature really does contribute to all these types of health. 

If you need to review specific learning material, do not hesitate to visit the following URLs: 




Ask your students what they have learnt about: