MS Eco council

The MS Eco Council is a club primarily led by Middle School students with teacher guidance. We meet regularly to discuss how we can improve our sustainable living, as well as ways we can make our school a more eco friendly place. In recognition of our responsibility as citizens of the world, our community of adults and children will commit to playing an active part in caring for the environment - on campus and beyond.  

Eco council projects:

Core Council
Chisako Yoi (                
Amil Lopez (
YiLe(Ella) Zhu (

Executive Council
Biodiversity & Marine: Lucia Gernes
Environmental Awareness: Somin Park, Ari Simon
Nature and Recycling: Jacob(Jet) Tay
Education - Avivah (Vivi) Wajahat
Fundraising - Gil Azriel


Core Council

Esme Lim (

Sabine Lee (

Amara Aitken (

Executive Council

Waste & Recycling: Lorelei Williams, Rosaleen Magee

Biodiversity: Areeba Naqvi

Media & Awareness: Arabella Fiebig

The Eco Council committees changed this year (2023-2024), from having five committees (Bearcat Sponsorship, Media and Awareness, MS assemblies, Nature and Recycling, Education, and Biodiversity) to three main commitees (Waste & Recycling, Biodiversity, and Media & Awareness.)

Bird/butterfly feeders

April 15-19, 2024

A week before Earth Week, students will work with their advisory classmates to build a butterfly feeder (grades 5 and 6) or a bird feeder (grades 7 and 8). On the first day of Earth Week, the winners for both the butterfly and bird feeder will be announced during assembly. Winners get a pizza party!!

The bird feeders will eventually be hung on trees in the MS and HS courtyard where the feeders will be put into use. 

(The bird feeder on the right is made by Lucia Gernes)


E-Column (life in a bottle)

The E-column is a year-long science project in grade eight. Students build and maintain a self-sustaining ecosystem, consisting of three chambers; the Terrestrial chamber, the Aquatic Chamber, and the Decomposition chamber. This project allows eighth graders to explore the reliance of different components in ecosystems and the effects of uprooting a small part. 

In December of 2024, G8 students added mosquito fish to their functioning aquatic chambers; some selected pregnant females, who gave birth to multiple fish. 

Eco bytes

This year, we aim to spread awareness on sustainability and Eco-Council's projects through Eco Bytes. 

During middle school assemblies, our Core Council or Media & Awareness members will give a quick 'byte' into topics our council is focusing on. The first SY 24-25 Eco Byte was a reminder to participate in BYOC and the effects of bringing your own container. 


Too Easy!



In the Kantina Waste Audit, MS Eco Council students surveyed the weight of food waste produced by the kitchens in the MS/HS Kantina. On the right is the data collected from Jan 16 to 19. Unfortunately we were unable to collect the data from Friday Jan 20, however this is an audit that will definitely be conducted again for more consistent, accurate and specific data. 


Monday Jan 16 - 28.5 kg 

Tuesday Jan 17 - 34.3 kg 

Wednesday Jan 18 - 17.4 kg

Thursday Jan 19 - 16.5 kg

BYOC patrol audit results

b"?The BYOC Patrol Audit waHbgs conducted over 3 days - March 8 (blue), March 22 (red), and April 19 (yellow). House points were awarded to houses for each person who participated in BYOC. As we can see from the graph, Cobras earned the most house points on the first audit, while on the last data collection the Tamaraws triumphed over the other 7 houses. 

On the BYOC Patrol Audit that was done on April 12 this year, a huge increase in the number of people who BYOC can be seen. This year more than half of middle schoolers now bring their own container or bring their own lunch to school. 

Last year, only 31% of all middle schoolers BYOC and this year more than 55% of the students now regularly bring their containers. 

The house with the most amount of points from this audit is Cobras with 62 points with Tarsiers second with 51 points. There's a tie for third place for Tamaraw, Crocodiles, and Eagles with 45 points. 

What is SustainabIlity?

202401271148 (1).mp4

CompostING Tutorial

Composting tutorial.mp4










Paper Bag drive 

The paper bag drive is a donation drive started by Eco Council in 2023. Students across middle school are encouraged to bring in any paper bags they have at home to school.

At the end of the week, all the bags are gathered and donated to the Kandivali Recycling Group, an organization that provides jobs for people with disabilities. Some of their products include chess boards, shoe racks, cabinets, and wall art. 

Below are the results of the first 2024-25 Paper Bag Drive, with a startling 1858-point difference since the first drive.

First Paper Bag Drive conducted in Semester 1 2023. The bags are placed outside of the MS office, where students can drop off their paper bags over the week. 

Results below: