
SDG Goals Skit - Grades 5-8 (40 minutes) 

Related to: All 17 SDG goals 

Intro: In 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as a universal call to action to end hunger, protect the planet, and ensure that all people experience peace and prosperity by 2030. There are 17 SDG goals. These goals are the blueprint for everyone to create a better and more sustainable future. 


1) Watch this SDG video. 

2) Choose one of the 17 SDG goals. 

3) Get into groups of three and create a 2-3 minute short script. Perform and act out the script on your chosen SDG goal. Make sure it includes ways we can live a more healthy/sustainable lifestyle and why it's of such importance. 


Clean Water and Sanitation Skit - Grades 5-8 (40 minutes)

Related to: SDG Goal #6

Intro: Despite the fact that access to water, sanitation, and hygiene is a human right, billions of people still do not have it. Every year, millions of people die as a result of diseases brought about by a lack of clean water, sanitation, and hygiene. Clean, fresh, and safe water often aid in the removal of contaminants from the body, whether they are generated by bodily reactions, obtained from external sources, or those that arise as a result of consuming polluted water.

Prompt: You are a 12-year-old girl living in Africa's Sub-Saharan region who has dropped out of school to help her family fetch water from a pond 3 miles from your home. Develop a 2-3 minute skit in groups of three that depicts the difficulties you face in obtaining water and how critical it is to your survival.


SDG Charades Improv- Grades 5-8 (15 minutes) 

Related to: All 17 SDG goals 

Intro: In 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as a universal call to action to end hunger, protect the planet, and ensure that all people experience peace and prosperity by 2030. There are 17 SDG goals. These goals are the blueprint for everyone to create a better and more sustainable future. 


1) Play on Zoom! Have the teacher send a student group of 2-3 people an SDG to act out via chat/private message.

2) Develop a short 30-second skit that depicts the specified SDG goal in breakout rooms.

3) After the time in the breakout room is over, you and your group will use your creativity to carry out the SDG goal in the best way possible. The person's group that correctly guesses is the next to act!
